April 14, 2007                                Nancy Phillips, Observer


The meeting was called to order at 1 p.m. by Mayor Mattiace. All Council members and staff were present


Comments from the public included annexation issues, infrastructure, open space, swimming pools in the city and schools. Staff and Council responded appropriately, e.g., response time by the fire department to fire calls is currently four minutes eighty percent of the time, with some areas taking longer due to more difficult access; the city's long range plan includes a water reclamation plant which will provide sufficient water for everyone; construction is underway at the Laabs pool and the Apodaca pool is almost ready to open.


All routine resolutions were passed unanimously. Several proposed ordinances were forwarded to a future meeting. These included the proposed annexations in the East Mesa, (Presidio I, Presidio Ii) and West Mesa (Industrial Park). Discussion of these ensued with presentations by School Superintendent Rounds and David Campbell representing Logos Development Inc. and others. A further public meeting on this proposal was scheduled for April 20 from 3 to 6 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.