SEPTEMBER 18, 2006

 The meeting was called to order, as usual, at 1:00 p.m., by the Mayor. He explained briefly that the usual routine would be followed although security had been enhanced following an anonymous threat received by City Councilors and the Las Cruces Sun-News. He asked that no items be taken off the consent agenda, so that the meeting could be kept short. He gave the audience and the Councilors permission, however, to make statements before the consent agenda vote or during their comment period if they wished to.

 Councilor Connor spoke to the need for slowing down on action to establish a landlord's tax which has been discussed lately. She feels that there are two sides to that issue and the City Council needs to take a very close look at the idea.

 There was only one item on the agenda for discussion. It was a request for a liquor license for a new restaurant and was readily passed unanimously.  On the agenda for discussion only was an item having to do with a series of sales and leases to the Rocket Racing League out near the airport and in the West Side Industrial Park. The Council asked that further negotiations be instigated on granting the company an option to purchase an additional 147 acres sometime in the future.

Marnie Leverett

LWV of Greater Las Cruces